
Video-Urodynamic with pelvic floor motion to assess the bladder and sphincteric function
Our Videourodynamic laboratory is equipped with the state of the art technology that allows simultaneous urodynamic assessment of the bladder and the sphincteric function with X-ray imaging of the lower urinary tract, electromyography to assess the strength and the function of the pelvic floor and electrical testing of the sacral nerves controlling the bladder and urethral function.

Urodynamics is an in-depth evaluation of the function of the lower urinary tract and the pelvic floor muscles. The lower urinary tract includes the urinary bladder and the sphincter muscle. The pelvic floor muscles include the Levator muscle that surrounds the urethra, penis or vagina and the anus. These studies are important in diagnosing problems of loss of urinary control, frequency and urgency of urination, and difficulty voiding or urinary retention (inability to pass urine). It can also be helpful in patients with chronic pelvic and genital pain that can be secondary to pelvic floor spasms or dysfunction.
Procedure: The study usually takes about 45-60 minutes. It is a very simple painless study that dos not require any sedation.
Urodynamic evaluation starts by asking you to urinate in a special machine called flow rate machine. This will measure the force of your urinary stream. You will sit on a special table/chair and a small tube (catheter) is passed through the urethra into the bladder. This will drain the bladder and measure how much residual urine left after you urinated. It will also allow filling the bladder gradually and measures the pressure inside the bladder and the internal sphincter muscle. Another small tube is passed inside the rectum to measure the pressure in the abdomen. Small pads are placed on the perineum to record the pelvic floor muscle activity during both filling and voiding. X-rays will be taken periodically during the test. You will be asked to perform some stress tests (coughing, pushing). This is needed to assess the strength of your sphincteric muscle. At the end of the test you will be asked to urinate again while we are recording the pressures in your bladder and taking picture.
The test will be performed and interpreted by Dr. Aboseif who will discuss with you the results and the different treatment options at the end of the study. Complete evaluation and discussion may take up to two hours.
Possible risks of Urodynamic evaluation
There is a small risk of infection after this type of procedure. If new symptoms of burning, frequency or bleeding occur afterwards please notify us. You should also inform your doctor if you might be pregnant as X-ray is utilized as a part of the test.
Preparation for Urodynamic evaluation
If you’ve been scheduled to have a Urodynamic evaluation, you’ll need to arrive with a comfortably full bladder. If you empty your bladder just prior to your appointment it may delay your test. Medications taken to specifically relax your bladder should be stopped five days prior to your evaluation unless instructed otherwise.